
In Case of Disaster

In case of a big disaster such as typhoon, heavy rain, or earthquake:

  • Electricity, gas, and water supply may stop.
  • Accessing Internet and making phone calls may be difficult.
  • Roads may be blocked, leaving buses and cars stuck. The train service may also be suspended.
  • Buildings may collapse, and objects may fall from high-rise buildings.

Gather correct information

Keep yourself updated with the correct information from websites, TV channels, and apps from government agencies that support foreign languages.

Websites and apps that make it easy to check information

The push-enabled information alert app for foreign tourists Safety tip (14 languages)

Evacuate to a safe place (evacuation)

  • Turn off the gas stove before evacuation.
  • Evacuate to a safe place while checking the safety of your surroundings,
  • Keep your belongings to the bare minimum and leave on foot.
  • Carry necessary items in a backpack, so that you can use both hands freely.
  • Ask a Japanese person nearby “where you should evacuate to” if you do not know where you can find a safe place.

If you want to contact your family and friends

  • Making phone calls may be difficult.
  • Please use a public telephone because it will be easier to get through.
  • Please use “Disaster Emergency Message Dial 171/ Web171”
  • Look for a place where there is a public telephone.

    NTT EAST public telephone location map (Japanese)

  • Disaster Emergency Message Dial 171/ Web171
    Disaster Emergency Message Dial 171
    You can record your own messages and listen to those from others by calling 171.



    Disaster Message Board (web 171)
    You can post text messages with your computer or smartphone.


    Video guide on how to use “Dial 171” and “Web 171”
    The video explains how to use the Disaster Message Dial in a simple manner.


Check the safety of your family and friends

Google Person Finder


Apply for a Disaster Victim Certificate

People who have had their houses damaged by a big disaster such as earthquake, typhoon, heavy rain, or fire will need to get a Disaster Victim Certificate in order to be eligible for financial aid.
You can receive it at the government office in your town.

Council of Local Authorities for International Relations(CLAIR) How to acquire a Disaster Victim Certificate (10 languages)